2021 Archives

Royal Oak Community Alliance, Inc.     December, 2021

Billy Specht, ROCA President

The 2021 Annual Meeting was held on Friday, December 3rd at the New Covenant Fellowship facility on Harrison Street.  About 50 people attended and a lively presentation covered all the agenda items shown in the attached charts .

CLICK HERE to view the charts online, download them, or print them out as you prefer.  If you have not already joined or renewed your membership, please CLICK HERE now.

All the items presented were approved, and minutes of the meeting will be published here.  The ROCA Board will meet on January 12th to review the remaining open items and initiate work as agreed upon.

Thanks to all who attended.  If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact anyone on the Board.  We wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday season!

Royal Oak Community Alliance, Inc.     August, 2021

Billy Specht, ROCA President

Dear Royal Oak Residents:

This Newsletter is a summary of our recent ROCA Board meeting and will address several important items of interest.

New President:  We were fortunate to have Tim Roach and his wife Rose actively involved in ROCA since 2016. Rose was instrumental in re-energizing ROCA and fighting zoning issues with the city in 2016-7 and Tim has been our leader for the last few years. They have recently moved to Missouri and as Vice President, I have assumed the Presidency. I’ve been in the community for 12 years and many of you know me from previous role as YMCA Director, and now in The Great Outdoors management. I am proud to live here in this wonderful community, but we do have our share of challenges as we move into the future. I hope to work with all of you to keep our community a great place to live and thrive.

Annual Meeting: Please plan to attend our annual meeting, tentatively set for Friday, December 3 at 6 pm at New Covenant Fellowship Church on Harrison Street. Covid-19 caused us to loose a year with no dues for 2021, so we plan to kick off our 2022 membership campaign; welcome many new families into our community re-appoint two Directors for another term and elect four new board members (recommendations appreciated). We have invited our Mayor as our guest speaker and we will address the current situation of the Royal Oak golf course and other issues.

Repaving by City: We are VERY pleased that the city was able to do a substantial amount of paving around North Royal Oak Dr (ROD) and connecting streets. The paving work this year, added to the roads done in 2020, has completely paved our Royal Oak community. We are taking several steps to show our community appreciation to the city.

Royal Oak Speed Mitigation: Perhaps you have seen the new 25 MPH speed signs on Royal Oak? Speeding was a problem before, but now with the improved ROD road surface several members have shared concern that speeding on ROD is a serious problem. ROCA was approached by two North ROD families who requested our help in getting data necessary for the city to assess the applicability of speed humps on ROD. The city has an extensive and lengthy process to address the roadway with the first step to determine if 51% or more residents desire speed humps. This is an issue between the 78 Households fronting RO and the City. ROCA supports these homeowners in their effort to collect data because there clearly is a serious community safety issue and we need a solution. We have more families with small children and we need to do all we can to protect them. IF your property fronts on ROD, one of your RO neighbors may be visiting you to explain the process and asking you to sign the petition. Please give it serious consideration.

Community Appearance: Our community has homes that are well built, good sized lots, and quite different home styles making us desirable to many families looking for a great neighborhood in which to raise their families- much like those Space workers who built this community in the 60s and 70s. Now we see many new families buying into our neighborhood and welcome their children and the energies that they bring. We also see lots of home improvements and renovations underway and, for the most part, sans the golf course, we provide a clean attractive view to visitors. However, the ROCA Board has been made aware of several properties that stand out for the wrong reasons. As explained many times, ROCA has no authority over code violations which are a City responsibility. We wish to encourage our homeowners to maintain their properties in a manner that is respectful of their neighbors and is in compliance with Titusville Ordinances. Some common code violations in Titusville are Yard Maintenance Standards, Inoperable Motor Vehicles, Accumulation of Miscellaneous Junk and Debris, and Prohibited Businesses. If you see a property that violates our city code, you should call Titusville Code Enforcement at 321-567-3770 or visit their webpage at: https://www.titusville.com/256/Code-Enforcement

Median Beautification: We plan to add some attractive landscaping to our medians at Country Club and Park Ave.

Golf Course: Same-ole-Same ole. The city does what it can with the owner. We appreciate all those neighbors who mow and maintain the area adjacent to their lots. There are still over $700K in liens and another $600K or so in mortgage debt and at least one lawsuit; but the owner has the property up for sale at over $5M for the 100+ acres. Royal Oak Ministries is aggressively trying to acquire the property but things move slowly in the courts. They had a May date which was changed to late July. A week before the hearing, the owner conceded the issue for the hearing which was a big win for Royal Oak Ministries but that just moves on to the next step in the legal process which has not been set.

Thanks for your support. We are trying to finish the year getting things in place for a solid 2022 for our community. Please drive responsibly on Royal Oak Drive. Those of you who live on Royal Oak Drive between Country Club and Harrison, please give thoughtful consideration to the petition for speed humps.