Transition Committee History

Titusville City Council Review Draft Ordinance

Titusville Planning and Zoning announced the Golf Course Redevelopment Draft Ordinance on 22 August 2016. The City Council was set to review the Draft on 13 September, Planning and Zoning Commission review set for 14 September, and City Council final review set for 27 September 2016.

Transition Committee Duties

The special committee, to be called the Transition Committee, to be co-chaired by Rose Roach and Bill Queen, having a committee membership of their choosing and with scope and purpose to:
1. Meet with stakeholders in regards to the current status and future plans of the golf course and the city planning/zoning/ordinances.
2. Arrange and organize a general membership meeting.
3. To nominate and seat, through general membership’s consent, a new board of directors.
4. Present the findings and recommendations from 1) to the general membership.
5. Take whatever actions are determined necessary to transition the governance of the association to the new board and to proceed from there as the new board sees fit and with mandate from the membership.

Transition Committee Gets To Work

Since 23 August 2016
Established our own web site
Developed a presence on Facebook and Next Door
Built a 789 owner Name, Address, Phone, E-mail Data Base
Printed signs and flyers and got 200 of you out on Sept 12 at First Baptist Church
Developed a survey linked to our webpage for you to let your position be known
Provided ballots for you to express your opinion at our Sept 12 meeting
Educated all to what was in the ordinance
Presented a compelling case to the city council stressing the dissatisfaction of the community with the ordinance
Succeeded in obtaining a three month extension for the moratorium to give us time to present alternatives to the city
Mailed postcard meeting notification to all ( 789) owners by using internet service
Prepared for Annual Meeting 26 September 2016

Bright Ideas

The new Board of ROCA will examine several possibilities for the Golf Course. The Board will establish committees to study all of our options as follows:
The Ordinance
The Golf Course
Stormwater Park
Greenspace Park

Transition Committee Transitions

After the 26 September 2016 ROCA Annual Meeting, the Transition Committee will have completed their intial duties. Now we need the homeowners support and volunteers to keep our community growing in the right direction.