2022 Archives

Royal Oak Community Alliance, Inc.            January, 2023

Billy Specht, ROCA President

The 2022 Annual Meeting was held on Friday, December 2nd, 2022, at New Covenant Fellowship facility on Harrison Street.  About 50 people attended and a lively presentation covered all the agenda items shown in the attached presentation.

CLICK HERE to view the 2022 Annual Meeting presentation, download or print them out as you prefer.  If you have not already joined or renewed your membership, please CLICK HERE now.

Thank you to all who attended.  If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact anyone on the Board.


Golf Course Rezoning Survey, August 2022

This survey closed on 8/28/22 and results are posted below. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Message from ROCA President, Billy Specht:

Summary Chart:

Full Survey Responses:
